

这还只是星期一. 在澳门威利斯网站家, 你会走得比你想象的更远, alongside peers who seek out challenges and thrill to new discoveries

澳门威利斯网站的学术澳门威利斯网站真的 你的 学术项目. 你将根据自己的兴趣选择澳门威利斯网站, 老师会根据你的兴趣来设计澳门威利斯网站, and many of 你的 projects — whether inside the classroom or out — will be of 你的 own devising.

Ours is a sophisticated and challenging program that fosters and expects growth, not perfection. Wherever you’re starting, we’ll help you find new knowledge, new skills, and new 激情s. 探索我们的2024-25澳门威利斯网站目录 来理解我们的意思!


Click the button below to chat with a real member of the Miss Hall’s community. 你可以就学习的澳门威利斯网站与教员联系, 和在校学生聊聊校园生活, or ask an admissions officer whatever you’d like — no question is too small. 😎 You’ll also learn from experts in fields that you’re interested in. 就在刚刚过去的春天, Miss Hall’s students had the opportunity to meet and ask questions of a climate activist, 一位生态学家和农民, 放射科医生, 一个编剧, and several artists — people engaged at the highest levels in fields that our students want to pursue.


澳门威利斯网站家, we have built a flexible curriculum that adapts constantly to our students’ 激情s. An 英语 seminar one year had a number of students interested in theater, so they pivoted to reading scripts; several girls in a Latin course wanted to know more about science, so the class tackled ancient texts related to bodies and medicine; a student in a coding class missed food from her own country, so she programmed a recipe app to share with the community. Within the structure of our program, you’ll be able to follow any interest or question.

You’ll also learn from experts in fields that you’re interested in. 就在刚刚过去的春天, Miss Hall’s students had the opportunity to meet and ask questions of a climate activist, 一位生态学家和农民, 放射科医生, 一个编剧, and several artists — people engaged at the highest levels in fields that our students want to pursue.

Above all, we know that the most relevant and lasting learning happens in the context of life. Every class you participate in will address real-world issues and include a diversity of 的声音s and perspectives. You will learn with students from around the world and who bring their own histories and experiences. Their stories infuse and shape our program daily — just as 你的s will.


Hallmark Courses are the most advanced in our curriculum and entirely unique to Miss Hall’s. 不像一刀切的大学先修澳门威利斯网站, these dynamic classes are designed by our faculty and specifically tailored to the curiosity, 激情, 以及我们学生的智力. 在贺曼的澳门威利斯网站中, 你将进行深入的探索, 调查, 以及对你感兴趣的话题的探究. You will practice the skills that are sought by top colleges — research and writing, 抽象思维, evaluation and synthesis of complex information — and foster the competencies required to be an active global citizen and leader: vision, 的声音, 人与人之间的功效, 和进取心.


在接下来的视频中, you’ll hear directly from our students and faculty about some of the specific programs that make Miss Hall’s special.





在我们的世界里,事实和以往一样重要, but just as important is the ability to verify and validate the abundant information around us. You’ll leave Miss Hall’s with a deep foundational knowledge of each discipline and the habits of mind that will allow you to persist through difficult questions and elusive answers.

You’ll also learn to use 你的 newfound skills in service of the common good. 你可能会学到可再生能源背后的科学, then take that knowledge and advocate for a new solar panel array to be installed on campus, 就像薇薇安18岁时那样. You might use 你的 programming skills to build an app to keep 你的 peers safe from sexual assault, 就像我们的一群学生今年所做的那样.


有成千上万的书籍和期刊, 广泛的数字资源, 壁炉周围还有舒适的椅子, the 休姆斯·尤斯顿图书馆 is a hub of imagination and curiosity, a place where students become ethical users and creators of information.

点击这里 查找书籍和/或电子书, 访问数据库和数字订阅, and learn more about learning resources available to the community.


You will lead 你的 learning, but you will never be alone. Our faculty will know you as a person and as a student, and they will check in with you daily to make sure you have what you need to grow academically. 你不能从澳门威利斯网站家的缝隙里溜走.

这真的很了不起. COVID的护理, 萨米上的精彩澳门威利斯网站, the tremendous help with her college search and essays — I am so impressed and thankful for Miss Hall’s.

其他正式的支持系统比比皆是. 在我们的学术技能中心, professional learning specialists can work with you on everything from study skills to organizing 你的 time. Visit the specialized math and writing centers to get help outside of class on homework and advanced concepts, 以及教师一对一的指导.

You will have a diverse and supportive group of peers, too. Friends from all over the world will help take 你的 ideas to new levels and will study with you and laugh with you in equal measure.

This peer group is one of the best parts of Miss Hall’s. 我们的学生好奇心强,积极主动,勤奋好学. 他们热爱学习,他们爱笑. They’ll push you beyond where you thought you could go — just as you’ll inspire and support them in turn.

The Miss Hall’s community encourages you to push 你的self in all aspects, 包括体育, 一路支持你. Your MHS coaches and teammates will help you get to the next level.



用Dr. 克里斯为了, 我们的工程和技术创新总监, “不知道也没关系, 但不去尝试是不行的.“我们的澳门威利斯网站将挑战和扩展你, and our faculty and staff will be there right beside you the whole way, 帮助你发现新的兴趣, 新身份, 以及回馈我们周围世界的新方式.

无论你的激情是什么, Miss Hall’s will change 你的 perspective from “I can’t do this” to “I don’t know how to do this — 然而,.” You will learn and grow and change — how much is up to you.

通过表现艺术系, you’ll learn brilliant new ways to raise 你的 的声音 and speak to the world


See how students at Miss Hall’s spend their time when they’re not studying or changing the world

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